The study of NPP contribution in reducing CO2 gas emission using the study result of electricity generation system exspansion at Sumatera has been carried out. The optimization indicates that at discount rate of 8% and 10%, nuclear until contribute about 48.8% and 36.8% to the electricity system of Sumatera.
While at discount rate of 12%, there is no nuclear contribution in the system. The calculation of CO2 gas emission indicates that for discount rate of 8%, 10%, and 12%, the total emission is 506,208; 1,138,360, and 1,872,238 kilotons respectively. Nuclear share at about 48.8% and 36.8% of total electricity output will decrease the emission of CO2 gas by about 73% and 55% respectively. Contribution of nuclear power plant in the electricity system, beside capable of hampering global warning, is also able to save fossil fuel reserve. Beside that, the small quantity of fuel in utilization of nuclear power plant, give the advantage from the point of transportation and fuel storage.
Keywords: CO2 gsd emission, NPP, electricity generation system
Ida N. Finahari, Djati H. Salimy
Pusat Pengembangan Energi Nuklir (PPEN) Batan
Jl. Kuningan Barat, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta 12710
Telp/Fax; (021)5204243 Emai: finahari@batan.go.id
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