"Tahu" or Tofu is a kind of food made of soybean curd. Liquid waste from tofu mill industries usually thrown away directly into waters. These contribute to the decrease of water quality, hence it is necessary to handle the waste before it reaches waters.
One of treatment to cope effectively is using artificial activated sludge (AAS) and Chlorella sp. in an oxidation pond system. The aim of this study was to know the most effective AAS soncentration and Chlorella sp. concentration which gave the best influence to the increase of the effectivity. The research method used was experimental with Randomized Completely Design arranged in Split Plot Design consisting of 16 treatments and 2 replication. The result of this study showed that the treatment of AAS 30% concentration, Chlorella sp. 30% concentration and both combination gave the best effectivity of handling.
Kata Kunci: liquid organic waste, water quality, AAS, Chlorella, effectivity of handling
Priyo Wahyudi
Subdirektorat Bioteknologi, Direktorat Pengkajian Ilmu Kehidupan
Deputi Bidang PIDT, BPP Teknologi Gedung BPPT II Lt.15-Tel.9516
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