Calculation and analysis of B/T (Burning and/or Transmutation) rate of
MA (minor actinides) and Pu (Plutonium) has been performed in fast B/T
reactor. The study was based on the assumption that the spectrum shift
of neutron flux to higher side of neutron energy had a potential
significance for designing the fast B/T reactor and a remarkable effect
for increasing the B/T rate of MA and/or Pu.
The spectrum shifts of
neutron have been performed by change MOX to metallic fuel. Blending
fraction of MA and or Pu in B/T fuel and the volume ratio of fuel to
coolant in the reactor core were also considered. Here, the performance
of fast B/T reactor was evaluated theoretically based on the calculation
results of the neutronics and burn-up analysis. In this study, the B/T
rate of MA and/or Pu increased by increasing the blending fraction of MA
and or Pu and by changing the F/C ratio. According to the results, the
total B/T rate, i.e. [B/T rate]MA + [B/T rate]Pu,
could be kept nearly constant under the critical condition, if the sum
of the MA and Pu inventory in the core is nearly constant. The effect of
loading structure was examined for inner or outer loading of concentric
geometry and for homogeneous loading. Homogeneous loading of B/T fuel
was the good structure for obtaining the higher B/T rate, rather than
inner or outer loading.
Keyword: HLW; Waste management; Burning/Transmutation; Fast reactor; Spectrum shift; Neutron flux
Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) Puspiptek–Serpong, Indonesia
Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) Puspiptek–Serpong, Indonesia
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