Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Dampak Tanaman Transgenik Terhadap Lingkungan


Concems about transgenic plants cntre on five conjectural risks: transgenic crops themselves will become weeds; transgenic crops will serve as a conduit through which new genes move to wild plants which could then become weeds;
transgenic plant contained virus genes will facilitate the cration of new virus; transgenic plants to express potentially toxic substances like drugs and pesticides will present risk to other organisms that not intended target of the new chemicals; and finaly, transgenic plant contained selectable maker genes will present risk to antibiotic resistenc. Andoubtedly, transgenicplants will enter in the Indonesia's environment. In connection with those matter, this paper is intended to review about ecological risks of transgenic plants.

Kata Kunci: Lingkungan, tanaman transgenik, pelepasan, risiko, gulma, toksik.

Witono Basuki
Subdit.Bioteknologi, Dit. Pengkajian Ilmu Kehidupan, Deputi PIDT, BPP Teknologi
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta 10340

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