A Water purifier column design has been designed. This design for purify ground water Cipanas area. According to laboratorium result, the ground water Cipanas area contain iron (Fe) more than 0.3 ppm and manganese (Mn) more than 0,1 ppm.
This values are limit requirement for basic water. If value more than limit requirement can be make damage human body. To reduce this countain use refining system with coloum refiner that filled mediator absorbtion of Fe, Mn, colour and odour. Vertical column. There is hole in under coloum for change mediator, so hope coloum easy to operation.
Keyword: water purifier column
Kristiyanti*, Widjanarko**
*Pusat Rekayasa Perangkat Nuklir
**Pusat Standardisasi dan Jaminan Mutu Nuklir
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