Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Peran Ilmu Kebumian Dalam Menanggulangi Permasalahan Limbah


Waste disposal is one of the biggest problem for people live in big city or high population settlement. Population and industry have grown very fast in Indonesia lately, increasing the production of wastes.
Waste disposal needs better management. The principal of waste disposal management is reducing the volume, detoxifying of waste and burying safety. There are some methods for waste disposal management, but the most effective, economic and save is the sanitay landfill method. Some factors are needed for managing waste disposal problem, including geology. The geological aspects need to consider for waste disposal management are lithology, geomorphology, structural geology, hydrogeology and the processes in the porous medium, like filtering, adsorption,dilution and degradation.

Kata Kunci: pencemaran limbah, penimbunan sanitasi, ilmu kebumian

Heru Sri Naryanto
Dit. TPSLMB-PKA BPP Teknologi
(majalah BPP Teknologi No.LXXVIII Januari'97)

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