Indonesia populations are cerrently about 235 milion people and will be around 273 million people by 2025. Increasing the populatoin will be followed by increased foof demand including animal food.
Indonesia populations are cerrently about 235 milion people and will be around 273 million people by 2025. Increasing the populatoin will be followed by increased foof demand including animal food.
Meanwhile, land is not increased even tends to decrease due to conversion, abrasion and submerged in sea water due to rising sea levels caused by global warming and climate change as well as the available natural resources will be increasingly limited. Currently consumption of animal protein of Indonesia's population is very low (about 6g/capita/dav) and is expected to rise sharply if the population revenue continues to increase and is predicted to reach US$13,00 in 2025 according to target of MP3EI 2025. To anticipate this condition, the Government should prepare a strategy of medium and long-term livestock development in a sustainable manner by leveraging the availability of local resources. In this case in addition to exploring a variety of livestock genetis resources in the efficient use of feed, it must also be able to utilize a variety of feed materials of plant by-products as well as agro-industries that do not compete with food for humans. This policy must be supporte by technologycal innovations that have been resulted or will be developed. Increased productivity and livestock production with this pattern can save natural resources and at the same time suppress greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to realize the concept of green economy.
Keywords: Animal foods, technological innovation, sustainable livestock development, logal resources.
Sjamsul Bahri dan Bess Tiesnamurti
E-mail: puslitbangnak@litbang.deptan.go.id
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