Pengembangan Model Optimalisasi Penjadwalan Bahan
Bakar Dengan Metode Programming Linear Untuk Minimalisasi Biaya Produksi
Sistem Kelistrikan Jawa Bali. In this research, a new
model development model that is exploitation of modelling of
optimalisation for schedulling fuel by using linear programming being
based on at simplex method.
Problems which will be expressed by using
linear programming model which majored for schedulling fuel at mall
generator which supplay electric power in area IV which will be searched
by the answer through this research, that is how to get him it
scheduling of fuel at optimal termal generator causing expected earning
system production cost meminimalisation of electricity of Java Bali
specially at electricity system for Area IV.
Keyword: Linear Programming, pembangkit termal, bahan bakar dan biaya produksi, Programming Linear, termal generating, production cost and fuel
Oleh : Unit Three Kartini
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Edisi : Volume 9 No 1, Februari 2008
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