Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Patient Doses in X-rays Medical Radiographic Examinations


Diagnostic technique to study physical condition of a patient using X-rays is the most common technique used in the world. According to the United Nations Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), applications of diagnostic and mammography using X-rays contribute to the biggest portion of radiation doses received by world’s population.
For the purposes of safety to the patient, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommends to use guidance levels so that radiation doses received by patient be optimized while maintaining quality of film image produced by these procedures. In this regard study on compliance test of diagnostic X-ray machine and determination of the level of radiation doses received by patient, has been carried out. Results of study are compared to the existing standard to determine the performance of diagnostic X-rays, whereas data on doses received by patient are compared to the guidance levels for medical exposures recommended by the IAEA. The study was carried out in several hospitals in Indonesia. The results show that most of guidance levels recommended by the IAEA, and adopted by BAPETEN, are not exceeded. Comparison of patient doses obtained in this study with those obtained in several developed countries shows no significant difference between the two. This information, therefore, rebuts the general assumption that patient doses in developing countries are always higher than those in developed countries. 

Keywords : diagnostic X-ray machine, patient doses, performance of X-rays machine.

Eri Hiswara, Heru Prasetio dan Hasnel Sofyan
(In proceeding of: Seminar Nasional Keselamatan Kesehatan dan Lingkungan VI, pp. 21-34, Jakarta, 15-16 Juni 2010, Volume: VI)

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