Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Sosial Ekonomi Dan Sanitasi Lingkungan Pedagang Makanan Jajanan Di Bali


Several socio economics characteristics of streetfood businessess in Pasar Gianyar, Bali were studied. Twenty nine vendors were selected to assess their socio economics features.
Particular attention was paid to their bacground, selling management and food handling. The main results of this case studies indicated that most vendors had low education background (elementary school) and had own  house. Labour was mainly recruited via personal relationship and familyship. Both hired labour and family labour were equally paid and they had an average of 6 to 7 working hours. The average amount of fixed capital to start the business was between Rp. 100.000 and Rp. 1.500.000. Most of food preparations were conducted at home and completed at selling location. In general, the selling places had good enviromental sanitation. this was indicated by the availibity of clran water_supply, waste disposal and clean water usage.

Kata Kunci: sosial, ekonomi, pedagang, makanan jajanan, sanitas lingkungan

Dyan Vidyatmoko
Direktorat Pengkajian Ilmu Teknik
(Majalah BPP Teknologi No.LXXVII Januari'97)

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