Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Air Laut Beserta Lingkungannya Sebagai Penyebab Korosi Pada Logam


Seawater is a complex chemical mixture containing to some degree element in the periodic system. It is not practical to undertake a systematic study of the individual effects of the elements on the corrosion of even one metal, let alone their effects in the many concentrations in which they occur.
Some constituents can aggravate attack on some metal while protecting others and some constituents can accelerate attack on a metal under some circumstances and retard it under others. The best we can do here is to review what has been leamed from tests and experience about those readily observable factors in an ocean environment that are known to have significant effect on the deterioration of metals. This should help in choosing materials appropriate to the anticipated environmental sonditions and in adjusting controllable environmental factors to favor the best performance of the chosen materials.

Kata Kunci: Air Laut, Korosi, Lingkungan

Ronald Panggabean
Sub.dit. Sarana dan Prasarana Kelautan BPP Teknologi
(majalah BPP Teknologi No. LXXIII Januari'97)

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