One plant that allegedly has the potential as antifertility material is pegagan (Centella asiatica
(L.) Urban). Based on previous research, high dose of pegagan , 275 mg /
kg BW is effective to reduce the number of primary, secondary and
tertiary follicles.
The follicular development was not even discovered
until the stage of de Graff. Characteristics of an ideal contraceptive
is safe, efficient, cheap, easily obtained, reversible and a little of
side effects on other organs including liver. The purpose of this study
was to determine whether pegagan is potential for safe contraception and
does not cause toxic effects on the liver because this organ plays an
important role in metabolic processes such as modifying drugs and toxins
become inactive or water soluble. The design used in this study were
completely randomized design with four treatments in four doses, ie 125
mg / kg, 200 mg / kg, 275 mg / kg BW and control, each treatment
consisting of six replicates. Dependent variables observed in this study
is the level of GPT (glutamate pyruvate transaminase) and GOT (glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase)
and profile of liver histological mice. GPT and GOT levels measured
were analyzed by analysis of single variant of 0.05. If the F
calculated> F table it is followed by LSD 0.05. Histological picture
of the liver include central venous dilation and inflammation and damage
to the structure of liver cells in the scoring and then performed
Kruskal Wallis. Statistical analysis showed that the leaf
extract of pegagan as a material antifertility not provide significant
effect on serum GPT and GOT enzyme in the liver of mice, whereas the
histology results did not reveal any visible damage to liver cells in
each treatment or dose given unless the treatment dose 200 mg / kg BW
seems there is little central venous dilation and degeneration of liver
cells in several fields of view but after statistical analysis did not
provide significant differences between treatments. From the above
results concluded that pegagan extract as an antifertility substances
until the dose of 275 mg / kg is safe and will not cause damage to the
Keywords: pegagan extract (Centella asiatica (L) Urban), levels of GPT, GOT, liver histology, female mice (Mus musculus)
By: Bayyinatul Muchtaromah
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Islamic State Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jl. Gajayana 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Phone / fax : 0341 558933
Mobile phone: 0811369317 Email: bayyinatul_uin@yahoo.co.id
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