We have introduced a new Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) in a collaboration project between Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC), Kyoto University, Japan and the Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) at Kototabang, Bukittinggi, West Sumatera.
This radar is mainly designed to observe winds and turbulence in the troposphere and lower stratosphere with a good time and spatial height resolution. Numerous studies or reseach program with the EAR have been planned. One of them is the observation of fine stucture in the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature using Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS). Since the full intruments are under construction, we present in this paper a brief review of the basic principle of RAA, especially on the design of an acoustic transmitter measurements with EAR. Aam example the comparison between RASS and radiosonde data on 6 November 2001 is also presented.
Keywords: equatorial atmosphere radar (ear), rass, virtual temperature
Eddy Hermawan
Pusat Pemanfaatan Sains Atmosfer dan Iklim LAPAN
Jl. Dr. Junjunan 133 Bandung 40173
E-mail: eddy_lapan@yahoo.com
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