Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Regulatory Human Resourcess Development Program For Nuclear Power Plant Introduction In Indonesia


The Nuclear Power Plant planning program in Indonesia is facing challenges that are not easy. One aspect denied by public is hte readiness of human resources. Human resources personnel refferend to include operator, ressearch and development agencies, promotors, as well as the regulatory agency.
There are knowledge and skill gab an human resources generation that study and make reseach in nuclear technology intensifly. This condition also occurs with the regulatory human resources in our Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency. Nuclear power plant introduction must be addresed with the preparation program for improvement and development of human resources quality are planned, structured, and systemized well. The program should begin by mapping the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of institutional human resources to support the introduction of nuclear power plans. Development and improvement of human resources of nuclear energy regulatory agency should incorporate increased levels of education, training, facilitation of activities of scientific meetings, support and guidance related functional position and the cultivation of morality and moral value. By the realization of human resources of nuclear energy regulatory agency that are competent and professional, the public will easier to be convinced that the use of nuclear power plant safe and secure, as well as very useful for people, nation and state.

Keyword: human resources, human resources of regulatory body, generation gap, nuclear power plant introduction

Nanang Triagung, Edi Hermawan
Direktorat Pengaturan Pengawasan Fasilitas Radiasi dan Zat Radioaktif
Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir
Jl. Gajah Mada No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10210

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