Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

The Design Of External Radiotherapy Room Using C0-60


Radiotherapy Room design has been done using the isotope Co-60 source with activity 8000 Ci. The purpose of the design is to determine room wall thickness consisting of primary and secondary part.
The material is planned to use concrete walls. The thickness calculations is based on the provision of radiation safety according to BAPETEN regulation, where the wall thickness depends on the distance of the source. Workload, use factor and factor usages. From the calculation results of primary wall thickness 1300 mm, 500 mm length and 610 mm the secondary wall. By using the wall thickness that has been design the radiation exposure exit from the the wall will comply with BAPETEN regulation No.7, 2009.

Keywords: Radiotherapy room, wall thickness, concrete, Co-60 source, safety

Kristiyanti, Budi Santoso, Abdul Jalil, Sukandar
Pusat Rekayasa Perangkat Nuklir (PRPN)-Batan
E-mail: kristiyantiwst@yahoo.com

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