Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

The Potential of Hymenoptera PDV-Carrying Parasitoids as Pest Biocentrol Agents


PDV-carryng parasitoids are groups of  parasitoids of the family Braconidae and Ichneumonidae (order Hymenoptera), which have polydnavirus or PDV as obligate symbionts within the female reproduction tract.
PDV are members of Polydnaviridae group, a unique group of viruses, which are persistent and stably integrated in the genome of theparasitoids that become his colleague, and known to play an important role in overcoming the host defense response system therefore parasitism by parasitoids can be successfully occur. Research on the parasitoid carrying PDV actually has long been committed abroad. Identification of functional genes influencing the host immune system as well as the physiology has undergone remarkable progress. The role of those two families of Hymenoptera as natural enemies to control several important pests in Indonesia is very significant. It is unfortunate,  in Indonesia research on PDV-carrving parasitoids and PDV itself remain unoccupied. Hopefully, by giving a little insight on this PDV, will foster interest in the researchers to take part in exploring the potential of PDV and PDV-carrying parasitoids, especially through engineering as biocontrol agents for pests.

Keywords: Parasitoids, polydnavirus, PDV, Braconidae, Ichneu-monidae, Hymenoptera, pest control.

Lina Herlina
E-mail; bb_biogen@litbang.deptan.go.id. barif@indo.net id

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