Indoors and outdoors radon concentration in PTNBR’s atmosphere had been measured using γ -ray spectrometry method. The radon concentrations are determined by measuring concentration of γ -rays emitters of radon progeny i.e. 214 Pb and 214 Bi.
Indoors and outdoors radon concentration in PTNBR’s atmosphere had been measured using γ -ray spectrometry method. The radon concentrations are determined by measuring concentration of γ -rays emitters of radon progeny i.e. 214 Pb and 214 Bi.
The radon progeny in the atmosphere was trapped by fiberglass filter paper GF-8 type set in an air sampler. Radioactivity of filter samples were then measured using γ -ray spectrometry. By this method, it was found that indoor and outdoor radon concentrations in the atmosphere of PTNBR-BATAN, Bandung were 0,3 - 47 Bq/m 3 and 0,1 – 0,3 Bq/m 3 . The outdoor radon concentrations are lower than the worldwide average (10 Bq/m 3 ), meanwhile the indoor radon concentrations in some building are higher than worldwide average (40 Bq/m 3 ).
Key words : radon, radon’s progeny, γ -ray spectrometry
Rasito 1) , Soleh Sofyan 1) dan Tri Desita 2)
1) Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri BATAN,
1) Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri BATAN,
Jl. Tamansari No.71, Bandung 40132
2) Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Padjajaran,
Jl. Bandung-Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor
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