Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Febrication Of Frotector For SWL 10 Tons Type Motor Crane


In Order to protect the motor from water dripped due to the leaks of workshop roof leaks, fabrication of protector for  SWL 10 tons type motor crane has been conducted.
The design of protector  was made as light as possible, thus it dosen't result a significance lood to the crame. Besides that protector is knockdonwn type, which is easy to remove when motor maintenance is performed. The protector frames were made from hollow iron with dimension of 20 mm x 20 mm and height of 1.640 mm. The area to be covered by protector is 1.840 mm x 2.500 mm which corresponding to the motor crane. Thee roof was constructed by 2 mm thick of iron frame and 2 mm thick of  fiberglass. This protector is expected to protect the motor crane from the damoge resulting by water dripped from workshop roof.

keywords: Motor crane, cover, knock down.

Oleh : Sagino, Dedy Haryahto, Paidjo
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir-Batan

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