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Senin, 11 November 2013
Studi Unjuk Kerja Sistem Proteksi Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir Tipe APR 1400
Telah dilakukan studi sistem proteksi pembangkit (PPS) pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) tipe Advanced Power Reactor (APR) 1400 yang merupakan salah satu sistem yang menjaga agar operasi PLTN APAR 1400 tetap aman dan terkendali.
Formulasi Dan Proses Pembuatan Sabun Transparan Organik
Sabun Transparan organik merupakan sabun dengan penampakan yang jernih (transparan) dan bahan-bahan penyusunnya merupakan bahan-bahan organik. Sabun transparan organik dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan dasar minyak jarak dan dilakukan penyabunan dengan larutan NaOH 30% sebanyak 19,67%.
Rabu, 06 November 2013
NPP Contribution In Reducing CO2 Gas Emission At The Optimization Studi Of Electricity Generation System Expansion At Sumatera
The study of NPP contribution in reducing CO2 gas emission using the study result of electricity generation system exspansion at Sumatera has been carried out. The optimization indicates that at discount rate of 8% and 10%, nuclear until contribute about 48.8% and 36.8% to the electricity system of Sumatera.
Optimalisasi Partisipasi Industri Nasional Dalam Pembangunan PLTN
Telah dilakukan studi tentang partisipasi industri nasional berdasarkan data mutakhir yang diperoleh. Data mutakhir ini dipergunakan untuk memperkirakan tingkat partisipasi industri nasional yang optimum dalam pembangunan PLTN berdasarkan studi sebelumnya.
Problem Sosio-Kultural Dalam Ekologi Perkotaan
A new approach to the study of cities called urban ecology, the study of relationship between people and the urban environment.
Pajak Penghasilan Bagi Dokter Yang Praktek Di Rumah Sakit
Income tax shall be imposed on any person on individual and body in respect to the income received or obtained in one fiscal year.
PTS, Pemda Dan Masyarakat Dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perkotaan
The population of the city will be increased. The population of the unemployment will be increased too. The demand of community for various city problems need will be more increased.
Selasa, 05 November 2013
Susunan Kontainer Yang Mempunyai Sarana Penumpuk
Susunan kontainer yang terdiri dari bagian kontainer dan bagian tutup. Bagian tutup memiliki bagian penghubung yang dihubungkan ke bagian kontainer, Untuk susunan otomatis dan susunan kontainer dari bagian kontainer dan bagian tutup akan menguntungkan bila bagian tutup terpisah dapat dimanipulasi dengan mudah.
Peralatan Untuk Membersihkan Cerat Berbau Pada Suatu Peranti Pembakaran
Invensi ini menyajikan suatu peralatan pembersih untuk membersihkan suatu cerat berbau dari suatu ketel. Ketel tersebut mencakup suatu dinding ketel yang membentuk suatu lubang outlet untuk mengeluarkan lelehan berbau dan lelehan berbau tersebut diposisikan sehubungan dengan lubang outlet sehingga lelehan berbau tersebut dapat mengalir di sepanjang cerat berbau.
Ujian Obyektif Sebagai Teknik Untuk Mengurangi Stress Dosen Pada Masa Ujian Mahasiswa
According to Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi lecturer must teach the student; included to test them. In this situation, lecture may have role conflict and overload.
Perkembangan Teori Manajemen Dan Peranan Manajer Masa Kini
Knowladge about management today can itself be considered to be the result of a long and containuing innovative process. The actual practice of management can be traced back to early recorded history.
Pengaruh Penjualan Just In Time Pada Struktur Organisasi
The relationship of JIT selling to marketing strategy development can be considered in terms both of its impact on customer needs and of matching or improving
Kepadatan Penduduk Kota Dalam Masalah Lingkungan Perkotaan
One of the problems being faced by big cities in developing countries concerns with the rapid growth of the population.
Sampah Dan Masalah Pengelolaannya
This article intends to describe the problem of garbage and how to handle waste in urban areas.
Analisis Pemasaran Kentang Di Kecamatan Tosari Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur
Potato is one of improtant vegetable in Indonesia because it is a main food which has various of vitamines and minerals. Marketing has important role to encourage producer to increase their product.
Sistem Instrumentasi Nukleonik Gauging Aplikasi Industri
Gauging nucleonic instrumentation system to represent detection system of industri material process that opply of nuclear tehnique method.
Radioisotop Technology For Optimation & Malfunction Diagnostic In Industrial Process Refinery
This paper to discussed as a concise of the basic principle and radiotracer technique benefit and scanning for optimation and malfunction diagnostic of industrial refinery process.
Brakiterapi Dosis Rendah Semi Otomatis Dengan Memakai Sumber Isotop Ir-192
Brakiterapi Dosis Rendah Semi Otomatis dengan Isotop Ir-192. Telah dilakukan pembuatan prototip brakiterapi low dose rate semi otomatis yang menggunakan sumber radiasi isotop Ir-192. Perekayasaan ini meliputi konfigurasi isotop, mekanisme keluar-masuk isotop ke/dari aplikator didalam kanker leher rahim, aplikator, penyimpan isotop (kontainer).
Senin, 04 November 2013
Hukum Sebagai Alat Pembaharuan Dan Masalahnya
Roscoe Pound said, "Law as a tool of social engineering". The functions of law are to steer, to renew, and to make the society. These functions can be adminstered by two ways, i.e. to make the regulation of legislation and the jurisprudence that bring the innovation or create the new society.
Jantanisasi Ikan/Sex Reversak Ikan Dengan Hormon Testosteron Hasil Litbang Produk BATAN
Perikanan merupakan salah satu sector dalam pembangunan nasional, usaha peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi ikan nasional makin digalakkan, dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan protein bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
Minggu, 03 November 2013
Metode Penentuan Lokasi Sampling Aerosol Radioaktif Di Cerobong Instalasi Penyimpanan Bahan Bakar Bekas (SPB3)
Disajikan perhitungan untuk merancang sistem sampling awrosol di dalam cerobong SPB3. Perhitungan dan rancangan menggunakan kode standar ANSI. EPA, ISO serta hasil optimasi Radgers, dkk.
Tinjauan Tentang Konsep Desain Dan Korosi Pada Steam Generator PWR
Dalam PLTN jenis PWR peranan Steam Generator sangat penting. Pengalaman operasi menunjukkan bahwa kelakuan dan kondisi transien dari Steam Generator mempengaruhi unjuk kerja pendingin primer dan daya reaktor.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Elemen Bakar Nuklir Pasca Iradiasi (Review)
Semakin banyak reaktor nuklir dioperasikan, maka semakin meningkat pula limbah elemen bakar nuklir yang dihasilkan. Sebagian limbah elemen bahan nuklir ini dapat didaur ulang, tetapi banyak pula yang hanya menyimpan untuk sementara sebelum proses lebih lanjut dilakukan.
Pengalaman Penanganan Elemen Bakar Reaktor
Berdasarkan pengalaman selama ini setiap pembongkaran teras lama dan pembentukan teras baru RSG-GAS, untuk penanganan elemen bakar reaktor pada posisi teras H-4, H-5 dan H-6 selalu menemui kendala teknis yaitu harus melakukan penggeseran pipa pengarah dan dudukan detektor "start-up"/JKT01 yang menghalangi saat melakukan "loading/unloading" posisi-posisi teras tersebut.
Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Sistem Rabit Selama 9 Tahun Beroperasi
Reaktor Serbaguna G.A. Siwabesy (RSG-GAS) sebagai raktor penelitian mempunyai daya termal sebesar 30 MW, mempunyai fluks neutron yang tinggi serta dilengkapi dengan beberapa fasilitas iradiasi yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan penelitian dan produksi radioisotop.
Analisis Kenaikan Pencacahan Detektor FFDS
Telah dilakukan analisis penyebab kenaikan sistem kegagalan bahan bakar (FFDS) dan tindakan. Methoda yang digunakan adalah "shipping test".
Jumat, 01 November 2013
Penggunaan Kurva Kecepatan Perubahan Posisi Batang Kendali Sebagai Fungsi Burn Up Untuk Mengendalikan Operasi Reaktor
Secara rutin, pengamatan parameter operasi dan perhitungan dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur pengoperasian. Pengamatan yang dilakukan antara lain, perubahan kecepatan posisi batang kendali sebagai fungsi burn up.
Karakteristik Sistem Pemurnian Air Kolam Reaktor RSG-GAS
Sistem pemurnian kolam reaktor GA.Siwabessy berfungsi untuk mempertahnkan kwalitas air yang memenuhi syat untuk pengoperasian reaktor.
Perhitungan Pelepasan Panas Pada Pipa Pendingin Primer RSG-GAS
Telah dilakukan perhitungan untuk menentukan besarnya energi panas yang terlepas pada permukaan pipa pendingin primer ke udara di dalam ruang primary cell.
Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
The Design Of External Radiotherapy Room Using C0-60
Radiotherapy Room design has been done using the isotope Co-60 source with activity 8000 Ci. The purpose of the design is to determine room wall thickness consisting of primary and secondary part.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Mekanik Pembatas Penggerak Seling Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Dosis Sedang Untuk Kanker Servik
Rancang bangun sistem mekanik pembatas penggerak seling pada perangkat brakiterapi dosis sedang untuk kanker servik telah dilakukan sebagai kelengkapan sistem keamanan baik secara mekanik maupun secara elektrik pada saat beroperasinya perangkat secara keseluruhan.
Model Matematis Sederhana Untuk Perkiraan Jangkauan Pengukuran Pada Detektor Geiger-Muller
Suatu model matematis sederhana untuk menggunakan informasi mengenal waktu mati (dead time) dan sensivitas suatu detektor Geiger Muller (GM) untuk mendapatkan perkiraan kasar secara cepat atas resolusi, jangkauan pengukuran yang timbul pada saat laju dosis yang sebenarnya bernilai tertentu.
Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013
Perhitungan Ekonomi Dan Pendanaan PLTN Dan Pembangkit Konvensional Menggunakan Spreadsheet Inovasi
Telah dilakukan studi perhitungan ekonomi dan pendanaan PLTN dan pembangikit konvensional dengan menggunakan Spreadsheet INOVASI. Sebagai studi kasus dipilih PLTN tipe PWR kelas 1050 MW, yaitu OPR1000 (Optimized Power Reactor, 1000MWe) dan pembangkit listrik konvensional klas 600 MW, yaitu PLTU Batubara.
Desain Dasar Perangkat Radioterapi Eksternal Menggunakan Cobalt-60
Telah dilakukan pembuatan desain dasar perangkat radioterapi eksternal menggunakan Cobalt-60. Perangkat radioterapi eksternal berfungsi untuk terapi kanker menggunakan radiasi yang bersumber dari energi radioaktif.
Preparation and Characterization of Dental Procelain
Feldspar and quart from the local source is used as a base material for dental porcelain. The physical and chemical properties have been performed.
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Investigation of O-Band Brillouin Fiber Laser Flatness at Different SOA Location
In this paper, we present the different amplitude flatness of O-band Brillouin fiber laser resulting from placing the O band semiconductor optical amplifier at different locations.
Kajian Penanggulangan Kecelakaan Dalam Pengangkutan Zat Radioaktif Untuk Panduan Penyusunan Skenario Pelatihan
Jika terjadi kecelakaan dalam pengangkutan yang menghasilkan pelepasan zat radioaktif yang cukup berarti, hilangnya fungsi penahan radiasi atau pengendalian kritikalitas, maka dampaknya harus dapat dikendalikan dan diminimalisir kritikalitas,
Cost Estimation Of Sumatra Electricity Expansion Planning With Nuclear Option
The objective of the study is to obtain the cost analysis on optimum solution of Sumatra electricity system using WASP-IV Program. Considering the economic aspect, nuclear power plant (NPP) is feasible in the future.
Effect Of Electrode Tips Geometry On The Welding Results Of The Zircalloy-4 Fuel Pin End Cap In TIG Welding
The experiment of the effect of pointed, sharp and flat electrode tips on the welding results of the zirvalloy-4 fuel pin end cap in TIG welding, has been done. Welding condition with the same welding program for very electrode shape, produced the same weld and HAZ width, but the weld depth wass different.
Reactor Dynamic Analysis Due to Reactivity of The RSG-GAS at One Line cooling Mode
In The frame of minimizing the operation-cost, operation mode using one line cooling system is being evaluated. Maximum reactor power has been determined and steady state and LOFA transient analysis have also been done.
Engineering Design Of Control System Shimadzu XD-5A X-Ray Diffractometer
It has been developed a control system of shimadzu XD-5A x-ray diffractometer that consist of interface card, stepping motor driver and analog to digital signal converter.
Multi Objective Optimization Of Air Conditioning System For Vault Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage
The optimization of the air temperature conditioning of an interim Vault dry storage has been considered.
The Basic Design of Scintigraphy Equipment
The basic design of scintigraphy equipment for imaging small organs has been made.
The equipment is a mini gamma camera.
Processing Of High Temperature Continuous Energy Nuclear Data Generation Using Sigace Code
Generation of high temperature nuclear data library of continuous energy (ACE-file) has been done without using nuclear data processing commonly used such as NJOY code. The generation process of nuclear data libraries using SIGACE code for high temperature by utilizing the ACE-file available at a low temperature (300K).
Senin, 28 Oktober 2013
Development Of Local Components For Fuel Cell Technology
The limitation of oil and gas, dependence of system using energy besides oil fuel, and also awareness of environmental friendly policy have become urgency of fuel cell research. Alternative energy becomes main priority development in the world.
Pradisposal Management Of Lantern Mantle Fabrication Waste Containing Thorium
Farication of lantern mantle will generate radioactive waste containing thorium. thorium has half long lived radionuclides and the decay will generate thoron gas that is harmful to humans, therefore thorium waste must be mananged properly.
Regulatory Human Resourcess Development Program For Nuclear Power Plant Introduction In Indonesia
The Nuclear Power Plant planning program in Indonesia is facing challenges that are not easy. One aspect denied by public is hte readiness of human resources. Human resources personnel refferend to include operator, ressearch and development agencies, promotors, as well as the regulatory agency.
The Use of Neutron Radiography Technique For Rapid Detection of The Rice Plant Tolerance Against Drought Stress
The use of neutron radiography technique for rapid detection of rice plant tolerance againt drought stress has been done. Two different species of rice have been selectd as research objects.
Development of Engineering Quality Plan for the RIA Counter
The engineering of a Radioimunoassay (RIA) equipment has been performed at the Nuclear Equipment Engineering Cebter (PRPN). This activity consisted og the engineering of the detector, high voltage (HV) module, Low voltage (LV) modulle, the single channel analyser (SCA),
The Influence Of electric Failure To The Operation Of RSG-GAS Core 61.
The System of RSG-GAS electricity is designed for supplying the veriqus of electric loads, voltages and safety dessification of components. The electric resource were supplied by PLN, emergency gensets and betteries.
Radon Concentration In The Atmosphere Of PTNBR-BATAN Bandung
Indoors and outdoors radon concentration in PTNBR’s atmosphere had been measured using γ -ray spectrometry method. The radon concentrations are determined by measuring concentration of γ -rays emitters of radon progeny i.e. 214 Pb and 214 Bi.
Indoors and outdoors radon concentration in PTNBR’s atmosphere had been measured using γ -ray spectrometry method. The radon concentrations are determined by measuring concentration of γ -rays emitters of radon progeny i.e. 214 Pb and 214 Bi.
The Solid Waste Contaminated Incinerationte Chnique Used Incinerator
The research of the incineration radioactive waste used incineratorhas been done. The aim of the experiment is to determine the number of the organic liquid wstes which was added on the inceneration of the solid radoiactive wastes.
First Study Of Hepa Filter Prototype Performance To Control The Airborne Pollunon
This Paper will report the efficiency test result of the filtration tool prototype of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA filter) for low temperature, to control the airborne pollution of aerosol particle of solid and liquid.
Analysis On State Of The Art D&D Technologies For Decommissioning Of Bandung Research Reactor
Analysis on state of the art D&D technologies for decommissioning of Bandung TM-U reactor-if this reactor decided for decommissioning have been conducted. The research have been carried out through bibliography studies by analysing state of the art D&D technologies established internationally and comparing the result with present condition of Bandung TM-II reactor.
Design And Construction Of The Control System For Batan Small Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer (SMARTer)
A 36 m Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) Spectrometer
(SMARTer) has been installed in Serpong, Indonesia in 1992. As time
goes by, the original main computer was out of order and the instrument
had not been operated since 2003.
Numerical Assesment Of Characteristic Passive Cooling System With Air At Containment AP1000 Model
Nuclear power plant technology has been growing rapidly. Nowadays, research and development had been taken place especially passive utilization of safety feature.
A Water Purifier Column Design
A Water purifier column design has been designed. This design for purify ground water Cipanas area. According to laboratorium result, the ground water Cipanas area contain iron (Fe) more than 0.3 ppm and manganese (Mn) more than 0,1 ppm.
Aplikasi Pola Intra-Industry Trade Sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Dalam Mengatasi Dampak Krisis Global Di Indonesia
Dewasa ini issue mengenai intra-industry trade (IIT) semakin ramai diperbincangkan, semenjak konsep tersebut diperkenalkan oleh Grubel-Lloyd tahun 1975. Secara empiris, konsep IIT mulai dikembangkan tahun 1980-an di negara-negara industri modern yang notabene memiliki faktor endowment sama.
Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013
An Aplication of Residual Current Protective Device at Electrical Installation
In an electrical installation, a protection for overioad and short circult are always to be installed. In addition to the installation, it is necessary to be installed a protection device for residual current because both the short circuit and the overload device protection will not work for the residual current.
Analisa Tegangan Pipa Pada Kepala Sumur
This paper describes the result of piping stress analysis for wellhead piping. The purpose of this piping stress analysis is to anticipate any overstress on the preliminary piping is a part of the flowline system and study the requirements of expansion loop on the piping.
Pusat Peragaan IPTEK Dasar Di Semarang
Penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat penting bagi masa depan
bangsa untuk ikut bersaing dengan negara-negara di dunia. Sebagai modal
dasar bangsa yang sedang membangun, diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang
mampu menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi karena kemajuan bangsa
tidak akan lepas dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
Pengaruh Teknologi Terhadap Lingkunga Hidup Manusia
Manusia menciptakan teknologi dengan maksud agar hidupnya lebih mudah, praktis, efisien dan tidak banyak mengalami kesulitan. Namun, tidak jarang, teknologi justru menimbulkan masalah serius bagi kehidupan umat manusia.
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013
Pengaruh Penambahan Kerikil Pada Campuran Paving Stone Terhadap Kualitasnya
Principal material of
paving stone is sand. But sand availability would as component of maker
basis paving stone, longer on the wane or increasingly limited. Mining
of mass sand, can result area going worse level of the damage.
Aspiring Mathematicians: Students Views Regarding What it Takes to be Successful in Mathematics
This article explores junior high school students views regarding what it takes to be successful in mathematics. Qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to collect and analyse data, describe and interpret junior high school students (12-14 years) perceptions about what it takes to be successful in mathematics.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Kulit Kerang Pada Campuran Paving Stone Terhadap Kualitasnya
Paving stone is part of functioning
infrastruction material as street concreting, in the place of concrete
rebate, even also is used in the place of asphalt. Advantage applies
paving stone is the erection easy to and doesn't require cementing
agent, and relative cheaper is compared to other material. Besides the
keeping is easier and cheap.
Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013
Perbaikan Fasilitas Kerja Membatik Dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Untuk Mengurangi Musculoskeletal Disorders
Small and middle enterprises have been the important part
of the economic of a nation or a local. Karang Write-Batik is one
industrial center which is located at Karang Village, Semanding
Subdistrict, Tuban District.
Perilaku Lentur Struktur Balok Komposit Beton
Tension in section of
reinforced concrete of beam divided to depress area and interesting
area. In the plan depress area to be accepted by interesting area and
concrete is fully accepted by bone, and interesting strength of concrete
Minimasi Waste Untuk Perbaikan Proses Produksi Kantong Kemasan Dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufactruring
Packaging Factory have activities in bag production. In order to increase the productivity, the company should manage the activities to increase valued added and decrease several waste. This study was purpose for analyzed the caused problems of waste, and give recommendation for minimizing the waste.
Sintesis Kitosan-Bentonit Serta Aplikasinya Sebagai Penurun Kadar Insektisid Jenis Diazinon
Bentonite is used to absorb the dye due to the high surface area and cation exchange capacity.Chitosan is a product terdeasetilasi of chitin which is a biopolymer that is used for absorbing heavy metals,dyes due to the amine group (-NH2)and hydroxyl (-OH)on the chain polimer.
Permodelan Jaringan Transportasi Dan Distribusi Barang Menggunakan Model Transportasi Dan Linier Programming
The research objection
is to determine the lowest cost of transportation and distribution in
Java referring to serving capacity level on each distributor. There are 4
factories serving 34 distributors.
Pengembangan Model Optimalisasi Penjadwalan Bahan Bakar Dengan Metode Programming Linear
Pengembangan Model Optimalisasi Penjadwalan Bahan
Bakar Dengan Metode Programming Linear Untuk Minimalisasi Biaya Produksi
Sistem Kelistrikan Jawa Bali. In this research, a new
model development model that is exploitation of modelling of
optimalisation for schedulling fuel by using linear programming being
based on at simplex method.
The Potention of Pare's Fruit (Momordica charantia L) Extract to Mice (mus Musculus) Spermatogenesis
Pare’s fruit (Momordica charantia L)
had a potention for antidiabetic and anti mitotic. Pare’s fruit
contained cucurbitacin and include glycoside triterpenoid.
Desain VHDL Sistem Pengirim Data Serial Asinkron 8 Bit
In this paper, reported
the result of the design of eight bit asinkron serial data sender system
is built from digital connection is the control conection or
combination connection, counter connection, register and multiplexer.
Mutu Bahan Bakar Premium
Mutu Bahan Bakar Premium Studi Kasus Di Surabaya. Motor vehicles and motor
cycles passed in street in Surabaya city used a gasoline as fuel, and
most of them used a premium fuel.
The Effect of Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) as Material Antifertility to GPT (Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase) and GOT (Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase) Concentration and Its Histological Profile of Female Mice (Mus musculus)
One plant that allegedly has the potential as antifertility material is pegagan (Centella asiatica
(L.) Urban). Based on previous research, high dose of pegagan , 275 mg /
kg BW is effective to reduce the number of primary, secondary and
tertiary follicles.
Thermal Comfort Performance of Common Classroom Building at New Campus of Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
This study aims to identify and evaluate thermal comfort performance of Common Classroom at New Campus of Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University which is located in the Unhas Campus Gowa.
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013
Tips Mencegah Virus Menyerang Atau Masuk Komputer Kita
Sebaik apapun antivirus yang kita gunakan + Update
terbaru pun tidak menjamin komputer bebas dari virus, karena virus
selalu berkembang dan update anti virus [sebagian besar] hanya mengikuti
perkembangan virus itu sendiri ( jadi ketika virus sudah menyebar,
kemungkinan anti virus bisa mendeteksi baru beberapa hari kemudian ).
Pengaruh Sosial Budaya Terhadap Ilmu Tekonologi Informatika
Culture is a practice
that already exist and are handed down from generation to generation. Culture
is something that will affect the level of knowledge and includes the system of
ideas or the ideas contained in the human mind, so in everyday life, the
culture is abstract.
Analisa Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Gaji Pegawai Tetap/Honorer Dalam Meningkatkan Kerja Pada Satuan Kerja Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah I Provinsi Sumbar Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Java
Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada saat sekarang mengalami perkembangan yang semangkin pesat, sehingga banyak penemuan teknologi baru yang serba modern dan canggih.
Yield and Fiber Quality Test of Cotton Mutant Lines In Bogor
Cotton is normally grown only in dry climate areas to obtain optimal production. In order to increase national production, it is necessary to extend production centers to su-optimal areas.
Determination of Suspension of Changes Sediment Concentration Chopped Ratio With Nuclear Engineering
Calibration has been performed fixing suspension eroded sediment concentration against the ratio of counts with nuclear techniques using Am-241 gamma rays. Sediment suspension with various concentrations diirradiasi with Am-241 gamma rays.
Effect pH of Feed Solution, Contact Time, and Concentration on Voting Eluan Uranium by Chelating Resin
Solution process effluent is generated from a nuclear plant that processes mainly materials that form solution, and is still valuable because it contains uranium. Given the economy, safeguards of nuclear materials, and environmental safety, the effluent containing uranium prosess still has to be collected again.
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013
An Application of Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) with Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) for Continuous Measurement of Atmospheric Virtual Temperature over Kototabang, West Sumatera
We have introduced a new Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) in a collaboration project between Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC), Kyoto University, Japan and the Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) at Kototabang, Bukittinggi, West Sumatera.
The Spectrum Analysis of Rainfall in Indonesia
As a specific region at equatorial, namely maritime containent, the characteristics of meteorological element, especially rainfall in Indonesia is influenced by monsoon climate, called typical rainy and dry season.
Development of Single-Board Computer Based Web Server for Physics Related Instrumentation and Its More General Usage
The web server single-board provides web access to some digital l/O and serial l/O signals without the need for assistance from external PCs or UNIX computers.
Calculation and Analysis of B/T (Burning and/or Transmutation) Rate of Minor Actinides and Plutonium Performed by Fast B/T Reactor
Calculation and analysis of B/T (Burning and/or Transmutation) rate of
MA (minor actinides) and Pu (Plutonium) has been performed in fast B/T
reactor. The study was based on the assumption that the spectrum shift
of neutron flux to higher side of neutron energy had a potential
significance for designing the fast B/T reactor and a remarkable effect
for increasing the B/T rate of MA and/or Pu.
Comparison Between Classic and Fuzzy Logic Method on Corrosion Rate of Zinc Metal in Diluted Sulphuric Acid After Nitridation Process
Nitridation of zinc metal in DC nitridation machine by varying temperature from 150oC to 300oC
and time of nitridation from 15 to 75 minutes were carried out.
Nitrided zinc metal were corroded in diluted sulfuric acid solution in
room temperature.
Digital Correlation of First Order Space Time In a Fluctuating Medium
The study of fluctuating medium has been of great interest through the
use of the correlation techniques A laser beam is known to form a
coherent beam which can be made to propagate within the fluctuating
p53 Gene Mutation As Biomarker of Radiation Induced Cell Injury And Genomic Instability
Gene expression profiling and its mutation has become one of the
most widely used approaches to identify genes and their functions in the
context of identify and categorize genes to be used as radiation effect
markers including cell and tissue sensitivities.
Induced Mutation on Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas L.) for Improvement of Agronomic Characters Variability
Induced mutation can be used for improving quality in term of seed
production, oil content in seed and early maturity of Jatropha with the
aim for bio_diesel in Indonesia.
Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) On Fe-A1203 Nano Granular Film Growth By Helicon Plasma Sputtering
Fe-Al2O3 nanogranular thin film by helicon plasma
sputtering with the variation of Fe content from 0.1 to 0.7 volume
fraction have been prepared. The magnetic and magnetoresistance
properties were investigated by a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
and a Four Point Probe (FPP).
Modelling System of Kamojang Geothermal Reservoir Used Trinv and Trcool Programs
Kamojang geothermal reservoir system has been
modeled by TRINV and TRCOOL programs by using tracer test data from
Kamojang geothermal field.
Degradation of Standard Dyes and Textile Wastewater as a Pollutant Model Using Gamma Radiation
A degradation and a decoloration of textile wastewater using ionizing radiation are
already applied which some factors influence i.e. original wastewater,
pH, pollutant concentration, solubility and variation of polutant.
Development of Data Acquisition and Control Software for Neutron Radiography Facility at Serpong, Indonesi
A system for data acquisition and control software for the
neutron radiography facility at Serpong has been developed. The software
was developed to replace the existing control software which was no
longer used due to the problems on its computer hardware.
Radiolysis of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonat (ABS) in Aqueous Solution
Degradation of alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) in aerated aqueous solution
irradiated with gamma radiation with doses up to 1.8kGy were studied.
On the Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constant of the Bimolecular Reaction of Two Hydrated Electrons
It has been a longstanding issue in the radiation chemistry of water
that, even though H2 is a molecular product, its “escape” yield g(H2)
increases with increasing temperature. A main source of H2 is the
bimolecular reaction of two hydrated electrons (e-aq).
Uptake rate measurement of some amino acids on normal and treated yeast cells to xenobiotics using 14C labelled amino acid.
Benzo(alpha)pyrene (BP) and
7,12--dimethylbenz(alpha) anthracene (DMBA) are potent carcinogens for
mammals, which are able to affect the normal metabolic processes. The
influence both of BP and DMBA to the transport rate of individual 14C
labeled amino acids
The Impact of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Program on Radiation and Tissue Banking in Indonesia
In 1986, the National Nuclear Energy Agency
(Batan) in Jakarta started the research and development for the setting
up of a tissue bank (Batan Research Tissue Bank/BRTB) by preserving
fresh amnion or fetal membranes by lyophilisation and then sterilising
by gamma irradiation.
Senin, 21 Oktober 2013
Patient Doses in X-rays Medical Radiographic Examinations
Diagnostic technique to study physical
condition of a patient using X-rays is the most common technique used in
the world. According to the United Nations Scientific Committee on
Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), applications of diagnostic and
mammography using X-rays contribute to the biggest portion of radiation
doses received by world’s population.
Standardization of 125I and 109Cd by the photon-photon coincidence method in PTKMR-BATAN
A photon-photon coincidence system was
constructed for the standardization of (125)I and (109)Cd in
PTKMR-BATAN, Indonesia. Two NaI(Tl) detectors of 76 mm diameter × 6mm
thickness with 0.5mm aluminum window were used, which were positioned
approximately symmetrically to the source holder.
Utilisation of Used Dry-Cell Electrode for Conductometric Titration of Zirconium Stripping Product
Utilization of used dry-cell graphite for electrode at conductance instrument was made. For conductancy measurement, the electrode immersed in the sample an conected with alternating current source and electrical multimeter.
Measurement of Beam Neutron Radiography Image Quality Post-Addition of Tomography System in The Facility RNI Batan-Serpong
Measurement of neutron radiography image quality post-addition of tomography system in the facility RNI Batan-Serpong, has been done. Measurement aims to determine the quality of the neutron beam based on ASTM standard E-545-05.
Modeling of Temperature Dependence of Current in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors after Quasi Breakdown
A simple model of temperature dempendence of current in MOS capacitors after quasi breakdown was obtained. In developing the simple model, it was assumed that electron traps are created in the oxide layer during high electric field injection of electrons.
Evaluation Of Laser Welding Process In Low Dose Rate rachytherapy Microcapsules Production
Preparation of low dose rate brachytherapy microcapsules requires a complicated process that needs to be evaluated at each step of manufacture. Microcapsule size is very small and the use of laser welding has many parameters that should be evaluated in order to obtain an efficient welding technique and to get safe products that can be implanted into the body tissues.
New Control Strategies On PSS Optimization Improvement
The weighting matrices Q and R in the optimization process and PSS parameters are important components of the multimachine power system. To improve the performance of power system, this paper presents new strategies of control.
Komponen Struktur Motor Roket RX-420, Tinjauan Analisis Desain Plastis Penampangnya
The static test of RX-420 has been successfully done on December 23rd, 2008. The success is, among others, due to the design of the motor's structure. This paper will analyze and the components of motor's structure from the plasticity design theory.
Simulasi Perhitungan Nilai Ketidakpastian Spesifik Impuls Roket RX 150 L1000 Standar
More accurate method to forecast the uncertainty of experimental product have been tested to calculate from specific impuls of RX-150 L1000 Standard.
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013
Penemuan Atom Hidrogen Dari Pengamatan Stereo Pada Kajian Flare X9, Tanggal 5 Desember 2006
Recent finding from STEREO obsevation have shown that on the event of Big Solar Flare, class X9 on Desember, 5th 2006, this event emitting pure,
Kajian Pemengembangan Jaringan Komunikasi Data Di Lapan
Availibility of quality and adequate data communications network is very required to support executing of data communications easy and quickly in information globalization.
Kerusakan Ekosistem Hutan Tropis Dan Strategi Penanganannya
The tropical deforestation in Indonesia grow very dramatically. This condition cause not only the extinction of several psecies of animals and vegetations,
Dampak Tanaman Transgenik Terhadap Lingkungan
Concems about transgenic plants cntre on five conjectural risks: transgenic crops themselves will become weeds; transgenic crops will serve as a conduit through which new genes move to wild plants which could then become weeds;
Pendayagunaan Lahan Pesisir Secara Optimal
Coastal zone constitutes a wide area where some activities are situated. This is a strategic area in the meaning of syhsic,
Coastal zone constitutes a wide area where some activities are situated. This is a strategic area in the meaning of syhsic,
Analysis Of Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) Accident And Its Isolation On PWR
An Analysis of SGTR accident and its isolation on PWR using RELAP/SCDAP has been done. This analysis uses a standard PWR refererring on Tsuruga Unit 2 NPP as a model.
Design Electrical Sistem For Inhibitor Injection Pump's Motor PAQ RSG-GAS
In order to control the water quality related to the growth of scale, corrosion and micro-organism in the PA01 BR01 and PA02 piping system of secondary cooling system of RSG-GAS electrical systems for motor of inhibitor injection pump PAQ01/02/03,
Febrication Of Frotector For SWL 10 Tons Type Motor Crane
In Order to protect the motor from water dripped due to the leaks of workshop roof leaks, fabrication of protector for SWL 10 tons type motor crane has been conducted.
In Order to protect the motor from water dripped due to the leaks of workshop roof leaks, fabrication of protector for SWL 10 tons type motor crane has been conducted.
Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013
Sistem Penanganan Limbah Cair Tahu Secara Aerobik Dengan Menggunakan Chlorella Dan AAS (Artificial Activated Sludge)
"Tahu" or Tofu is a kind of food made of soybean curd. Liquid waste from tofu mill industries usually thrown away directly into waters. These contribute to the decrease of water quality, hence it is necessary to handle the waste before it reaches waters.
Komunitas Fitoplankton Sebagai Indikator Biologis Lingkungan Perairan Pantai Utara Daerah Istimewa Aceh
Structure of phytoplankton community have an important role of determining waters environment balance, because they are the first trophic level organism.
Model Numerik Tabir Dalam Tanah Untuk Penanggulangan Intrusi Air Asin
This current study describes mathematical model for subsurface barrier in shifting the interface between fresh water and salt water.
Pengembangan Dan Penataan Pola Lingkungan Pemukiman Desa Nelayan
It is known that some people who live along the coast depending their life on sea resources.
Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013
Air Laut Beserta Lingkungannya Sebagai Penyebab Korosi Pada Logam
Seawater is a complex chemical mixture containing to some degree element in the periodic system. It is not practical to undertake a systematic study of the individual effects of the elements on the corrosion of even one metal, let alone their effects in the many concentrations in which they occur.
Peran Ilmu Kebumian Dalam Menanggulangi Permasalahan Limbah
Waste disposal is one of the biggest problem for people live in big city or high population settlement. Population and industry have grown very fast in Indonesia lately, increasing the production of wastes.
Pengembangan Wilayah Indonesia Timur
Analisis Kesiapan Stuktur Ekonomi Kabupaten Biak Dalam Mendukung Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu
Biak Regency was chosen as a region of integrated economic development (KAPET) for Irian Jaya Province. Biak has a great potensial og natural resources. It is suported by good infrastructures and a strategis location for international traffic ships and slights.
Sosial Ekonomi Dan Sanitasi Lingkungan Pedagang Makanan Jajanan Di Bali
Several socio economics characteristics of streetfood businessess in Pasar Gianyar, Bali were studied. Twenty nine vendors were selected to assess their socio economics features.
Pengaruh Interaksi Antara Mekanisasi Pengolahan Lahan Dengan Faktor Produksi Lainnya Terhadap Produktivitas Padi Di Jawa Barat
The objective of the study is to explore the correlation between land preparation methods, i.e. its individual utilazation as well as its joint utilization with other production factors, with rice productivity. The study as based on the surveyed of 93 farm families in Indramayu Regency, West Java 1995.
Potential of Soybean Development in Oil Palm Plantation
National soybean production has to be increased because its production currently is only about 35-40% of total domestic demand. The opportunities to increase soybean production still widely open through increasing productivity and harvested area.
National soybean production has to be increased because its production currently is only about 35-40% of total domestic demand. The opportunities to increase soybean production still widely open through increasing productivity and harvested area.
Advance in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line Improvement in Hybrid Rice Development
Hybrid rice has been considered to be as one of the main programs in achieving new superior varieties of rice. This technology composed of three major components, i.e. cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS), maintainer, and restorer lines.
Hybrid rice has been considered to be as one of the main programs in achieving new superior varieties of rice. This technology composed of three major components, i.e. cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS), maintainer, and restorer lines.
Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013
Development of Beef Cattle Based on Oil Palm Industry
Oil palm industry has big feed resources to develop animal husbandry especially beef cattle. Integration of beef cattle and oil palm industry arises three simultaneous integrated activities, namely 1) feed industry for ruminants based on oil palm by-products, 2) cow calf operation, and 3) beef cattle fattening.
Oil palm industry has big feed resources to develop animal husbandry especially beef cattle. Integration of beef cattle and oil palm industry arises three simultaneous integrated activities, namely 1) feed industry for ruminants based on oil palm by-products, 2) cow calf operation, and 3) beef cattle fattening.
Srategy on Sustainable Livestock Development by Using Local Resources
Indonesia populations are cerrently about 235 milion people and will be around 273 million people by 2025. Increasing the populatoin will be followed by increased foof demand including animal food.
Indonesia populations are cerrently about 235 milion people and will be around 273 million people by 2025. Increasing the populatoin will be followed by increased foof demand including animal food.
The Potential of Hymenoptera PDV-Carrying Parasitoids as Pest Biocentrol Agents
PDV-carryng parasitoids are groups of parasitoids of the family Braconidae and Ichneumonidae (order Hymenoptera), which have polydnavirus or PDV as obligate symbionts within the female reproduction tract.
PDV-carryng parasitoids are groups of parasitoids of the family Braconidae and Ichneumonidae (order Hymenoptera), which have polydnavirus or PDV as obligate symbionts within the female reproduction tract.